Format for league Matches:
Each match shall consist of 8 legs of 501, straight start and double finish.
Bull Up to decide who throws first in legs 1,3,5,7.
All 8 legs to be played.
1 point awarded for each leg won.
Format for Cup Matches:
Each singles match shall consist of legs of 501, straight start and double finish.
Each pairs match shall consist of legs of 701, straight start and double finish.
Bull up, home player/pair to throw for bull first.
Singles Cup Leg Format:
Pre Lim's = Best of 7
1st Round = Best of 7
2nd Round = Best of 7
Semi Finals = Best of 9
Final = Best of 11
Pairs Cup Leg Format:
Pre Lims, 1st Round & Semi Finals = Best of 5
Final = Best of 7
1: Players must pay £10 registration to enter the league plus 4 matches subs of £5 / Match, Total = £30.
2: Players must pay £5 per match, this includes the Decathlon event as this is a fixture, even if you are unable to attend.
3: Player's subscriptions to be paid in full 4 weeks prior to the final fixture to allow the treasurer to prepare the players pay outs.
4: The match boards shall be 5' 8" from the bull to the floor and a throwing distance of 7' 9.25".
5: Bust Rule applies.
6: Players will Bull up to determine who throws first, home player to go for Bull first. In the event of a bounce out that throw will be retaken. If the first player hits Bull or 25 the dart is to be retrieved before the second player throws, in the event the first dart blocks the Bull, the second player can request to the marker to rotate the position of the dart clear without removing the dart.
7: Players must be up to date on their subs prior to playing their match.
8: Games to start at 8pm.
9: All fixtures for the evening will be distributed via WhatsApp / Facebook groups.
10: Order of play will be drawn up prior to 7:45pm.
11: Players to mark as defined by the order of play or arrange someone to mark for them.
12: Please be at the board ready to mark your turn, (Smoke, Drink and Toilet breaks to be timed accordingly).
13: No use of Mobile Phones, Drinking or E Cigarettes whilst marking.
14: Holidays / Unable to attend a fixture:
Each player can potentially reschedule up to 7 fixtures, 5 x pre-booked and 2 x emergency / late cancellations, (all fixtures to be fulfilled).
Anything over and above this allocation will be reviewed on an individual basis by the committee and a 4 points deduction maybe applied.
15: Players shall inform the fixtures secretary prior to 6pm on the Tuesday prior if they cannot fulfill their fixture, this will incur no penalty. Players who know in advance they are away, are to inform the fixtures secretary as early as possible to aid the rearrangement of fixtures.
16: Players knowing to be late for their match must notify the fixture secretary before 6pm on match night, so that the fixture secretary can amend the order of play accordingly.
17: In the event of a player being called away from the venue in an emergency only No penalty shall be imposed.
18: Catch-up and rearranged matches will be added to the night's fixture list by the fixture secretary.
19: Pairs will be assigned based on either league position or season average at the end of the season.
20: All monies to be played for will be shown at the start of the season, but is subject to change if players drop out of the league or any sponsorship alters.
21: Any player leaving the league during the season, not fulfilling their fixtures or behind on their fees shall for forfeit any monies and winnings accrued for that current season. However any subs paid in advance of leaving date shall be returned but must be collected personally by the leaving player.
22: In the event of a tie in the league position at the end of the season, after points it will go on head to head, (most legs wins), then if still not separated it will go to the better season average.
23: Scores of 180,140,100, Least Darts, Highest Finish and 8 leg match average will be recorded in League matches only.
24: In the event of a player knowingly unable to attend finals nights they are not permitted to enter either the singles or pairs cup.
25: All matches including catch ups, cups and Decathlon must be played at The Sportsman on Wednesday nights only.
26: No Decathlon Catch up will be available.
27: In the event any payout is split between more that one player, the prize paid out will be rounded up to the nearest £5.
28: The committee's decision is final on all matters.
29: The League will offer existing players a place in the following season.
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